Tools for Thinking about Design (Alberto Cairo)
- 首先是抽象和形象
- 第二个方面是功能性和装饰性
- 第三个维度是密度和亮度
- 第四个方面是图形的维度
- 第五个维度是独创性和熟悉性
- 最后一个维度是新颖性和冗余性维度
Graphical heuristics: Data-ink ratio (Edward Tufte)
introduces two interesting graphical heuristics, the data-ink ratio and chart junk.
Tufte的第一个图形启发式是data-ink rate数据墨水比率。 Tufte将数据墨水定义为图形的不可擦除核心。根据所表示的数字的变化排列非冗余墨水,建议我们删除那些不会为图形添加新信息的元素。
The Truthful Art (Alberto Cairo)
- The first quality of a good visualization is that it's truthful.
- First, we have to be honest with ourselves when we clean and summarize data.
- The second obligation is to our audience.
- The second quality of a visualization to consider is whether it is functional or not.
- The third quality of visualization, Cairo shares is whether it is beautiful or not.
- The fourth quality of visualization from Cairo is that information graphics should be insightful.
- The final quality of visualization which Cairo proposes is information graphics should be enlightening